The next issue of The Progressive Populist will be published on or before Jan. 31.
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TheProgressive Populist is available for subscribers at low rates: Individuals in the United States may subscribe at $45 for one year (22 issues) or $80 for two years (44 issues). If you'd like to check us out for six months, we offer an $24 introductory 6-month subscription.
We also publish a daily email supplement featuring some of our most popular writers who write weekly columns, which we don't have the space to run in our twice-monthly newsprint edition. The Daily Progressive Populist is available to subscribers of the twice-monthly versions at an additional $10 per year.
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We mainly cover current events, but in an effort to provide historic background, our Populist Reader offers texts such as the Preamble to the People's Party Platform, which formed the rhetorical underpinning for the Populist movement, the People's Party Platform of 1896, which represented the Populist demands at the peak of the agrarian/labor revolt, and more. And Mark Twain's "War Prayer," written in response to the Spanish-American War, is as relevant as ever.
Also featured in the Essays section is "Democratic Money: A Populist Perspective", with Lawrence Goodwyn, William Greider and Tom Schlesinger of the Southern Finance Project discussing the Populism of the 1890s and how those historical lessons relate to the prospects for financial reform today.
Also see reminiscences by two former Alabama journalists about the late George Wallace, the former Alabama governor who transformed American politics with his combination of racism and populism. Claude Duncan remembers the good George Wallace in "George Wallace Joins the Ghost Brigade", while Peggy Roberson reminds us of the bad George Wallace in "Remembering George Wallace"
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By the way, the name is Progressive Populist, not populous, populace, papalist or populisp. And Donald Trump is not a populist.
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The Progressive Populistis an independent newspaper that reports from the Heartland of America on issues of interest to workers, small business people and family farmers and ranchers.
We also produce a daily supplement, delivered by email, with additional columns by our writers, such as Joe Conason, Amy Goodman, Alan Guebert, Froma Harrop, Jim Hightower, Jesse Jackson, Robert Kuttner, Gene Lyons, Ralph Nader, Robert Reich, Mary Sanchez, Jamie Stiehm, John Young and others, as well as features such as and other news and commentary. The daily service is available to regular subscribers who want more of their favorite writers.
We also hope you'll try a subscription to our twice-monthly tabloid newspaper or email version of the paper under our special discount introductory rate of $24 for six months (11 issues). That rate is good for addresses in the US as well as our email version. And if you're not satisfied with the first three issues we'll refund the entire $24.
If you can't find the book you're looking for at your local independent bookstore, Powell's Books is an indy bookseller in Portland, Ore., with whom we have partnered. Get your book there and help support our website. See our book page for more suggested titles.
A Few Good Weblogs to keep you from getting your work done:
From Elsewhere: • Al Ahram, English-language weekly based in Cairo, for Arab perspective on Mid-East • Dawn, of Karachi, centrist English-language Pakistan daily. • The Frontier Post of Peshawar, Pakistan, for news from the front lines of the war on terrorism in Afghanistan. • Haaretz, Israeli liberal daily with English language edition • International Herald Tribune, Paris-based daily operated by the New York Times. • Le Monde Diplomatique, English language monthly digest of the French daily newspaper. • Mail and Guardian, daily web edition of South African liberal weekly. • Mexico City News, the English language daily in our neighbor to the south. • South China Morning Post, independent Hong Kong and Pacific news (registration required). • Spiegel, English version of German newsweekly. • Sydney Morning Herald, for news from Down Under. • Watching America, links to articles in foreign press about the USA, with translations of articles originally written for foreigners about the US. Updated daily. • World Press Review, a monthly magazine with analyses and English translations of articles in the international press, as well as an excellent directory of publications by nation, with ideological leanings. --------------------------------
They say a picture is worth a thousand words; well, here are some good cartoon sites:
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The Progressive Populist started in November 1995 as a monthly newspaper with editorial offices in Austin, Texas, and business and production offices in Storm Lake, Iowa. In October 1999, after four years, The Progressive Populist switched to twice-monthly publication. Our editorial offices moved to Manchaca, Texas, just south of Austin, in 2005.
We aim to make the Progressive Populist the antidote to the monopoly daily news, throw a lifeline to progressives who feel like they are stranded in a sea of conservatives, and maybe play a role in reviving political and economic debate. We hope this web site is useful to you.
If you would like to hear more about our project, or if you would like to comment on our web site or receive a sample copy of the Progressive Populist, drop me a line by email or regular post.
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