Letters to the Editor

Time for Transition in Food Production

Dr. James Roth, director of the Center for Food Security and Public Health in the College of Veterinary Medicine at Iowa State University, warns that meat production is in danger from more destructive diseases and out-of-control overpopulation. [“We’re Not Ready for More Pandemics Brewing in Livestock” and “Take Livestock Disease Seriously” by Art Cullen, 5/15/20 TPP.]

He hopes the breakdown of the current meat production caused by COVID-19 will be the warning needed to increase its bio-security and prepare it for overpopulation. He wants more money and resource put into this system.

Maybe it is time the world begins eliminating food production systems that place heavy stresses on a deteriorating environment and stop food production systems that divert research and resources that will be needed to feed future populations.

Currently, fresh water is taken from dwindling supplies at rates of trillions of gallons. Then, manure, urine, chemicals and antibiotics are added to this water which eventually ends up feeding algae blooms that kill sea life.

Feeds for these systems are grown using dangerous chemicals that create poor soils and super weeds and cause human illness.

These activities are not sustainable because chemicals will fail, soils will become spent, and feeds will need to be so heavily engineered they will lack nutrition.

In addition, people are being warned to limit intake from these food systems to just once a week and if processed, once a month.

Because edible grains are grown the same as animal feeds, these too will become so heavily engineered they will lack nutrition.

The moneys Dr. Roth speaks of must be used to develop new foods and methods of growing that will use land more efficiently and produce quantities that will sustain growing billions.

We need to do food, not commodities.

TOM MILLER, Maquon, Ill.

Try a Plant-Based Diet

I agree wholeheartedly with Jolene Smith’s letter [“Veggies are Good for You,” 6/1/20 TPP] advocating a plant-based diet. In addition to her recommending Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) as a crucial resource, attention should be called to the Humane Farming Association (HFA) based in her own state of California.

Apart from increasing the health of consumers with such a diet, gradually unsafe, unhealthy and inhumane working conditions in processing facilities will be eliminated as well as traumatic, inhumane experiences for animals used in the food industry. Subsequently, family farmers can be provided incentives to transition away from raising animals for consumptive use to growing varieties of crops.

It should be noted that during World War II, cardiovascular diseases plummeted in Norway after the Nazi occupation forces confiscated all the country’s livestock to supply food for their own troops. Without dairy and meat products, Norwegians basically had to survive on fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. Similar results may be traced to other European countries during this period.

RICHARD LAYBOURN, Bloomington, Minn.

No Excuses for ‘Stay-at-Home’ Progressives

I see that many “progressives” are starting to say they shouldn’t be blamed if Joe Biden doesn’t beat Donald Trump in November. It sounds a lot like when they excused themselves for sitting out the 2016 election because they just didn’t feel the love for Hillary Clinton (despite Bernie Sanders’ endorsement and campaigning on her behalf), so they didn’t bother to vote, even with a vacancy on the Supreme Court, which Hillary could have filled with a justice who respected the law.

In most states, the no-show Hillary haters in 2016 didn’t do much damage, as Clinton still outpolled Trump by nearly three million votes, but in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin they may have provided Trump’s narrow margins of victory, which made the difference in the Electoral College. So, instead of Clinton giving us a center-left justice who would uphold the law and precedent, Trump gave us right-wing political hacks Neil Gorsuch and later Brett Kavanaugh who are eager to help Trump have his way.

These supposed progressives wouldn’t settle for a nominee who embraced 80% of Sanders’ agenda in 2016, so they got nothing, but we can hold them responsible for helping to enable Trump to build concentration camps for Latino immigrants on the Southern border, remove environmental and workplace safety regulations, provide lavish tax breaks for billionaires and expose his own contempt for people of color and their right to vote. Now many of these progressives aren’t sure this year whether they can bring themselves to vote for Joe Biden. Whether the pandemic is still raging or not, there will be no excuse for staying home from this election.

ALICIA MENDOZA, Houston, Texas

Respect the Earth, Or Else

Blessings, Humans (me included). nnI had a thought just know, that COVID-19 is a wakeup call for all of us as a species (human) to be respectful of our surroundings. To our planet, the air we breathe, the water that sustains our bodies, our atmosphere, everything. I believe we humans are better off when we live in harmony with our neighbors, all creatures, all vegetation, all minerals, the gases and water that sustains life.

Some of you are going to think I am crazy (maybe I am) to find any aspect of the Coronavirus positive, but now I believe that is possible. With that said, my heart goes out to all who have died and those thast are sick and the loved ones who have lost family and friends. Every day I honor all medical staff, caregivers, first responders and those who keep us functioning. Thank you!

For a few years now I have been praying for Planet Earth to protect itself as we humans, as a group, have been terrible guests. Maybe Earth or the Universe is doing just that, while at the same time giving us a chance to change our ways before it is too late for us as a species.

Since COVID-19 has been prevalent, just look at how much cleaner our air is. Just a reminder how disrespectful polluting our environment is to Planet Earth and all life.

COVID-19 may not be the enemy at all, just an asset from the Universe protecting Mother Earth and reminding us all to be loving and respectful of our surroundings.

Blessings to all,


The Hoax Folks

By 2018, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) had exposed 1,020 active hate groups operating in the United States. So when the “Massachusetts Patriots” staged a rally in the town of Swampscott, Mass., with Trump’s logo on everything except his briefs, what were we to think? Was this just a gang of poor sports using our beloved New England Patriots’ name, just because we lost Tom and Gronk.

The unruly rabble often do enllighten us, though, that God, unlike Elvis, is hiding in a building when we thought that Who or Whatever we worship is everywhere, not just in a Swampscott, Mass., church. It doesn’t pay to prey on our families instead of praying with them in safety.

While the “Massachusetts Patriots” and others wave their presidential Apprentice paraphernalia, too many have more important things to pray about: front-lingers, patients and victims, some of whom could tragically become their own families, whether working with food, meds, or hospital beds.

FLORA ORMSBY SMITH, Marblehead, Mass.

Everybody’s Essential

I think that the writer of ”Who’s Not Essential” (M. Warner, 5/1/20 Letters, TPP) forgot about the role played by the local multiplier effect whereby one dollar spent locally generates some three additional dollars of local economic activity. Ergo, when people were reporting regularly to their work places doing whatever they were burning gas and rubber, or utilizing public transportation, often eating lunch out, maybe having a few drinks occasionally take in a movie, or do some shopping, or they might work in a ballgame, or do some visiting. They might take a little vacation and throw some more money away, like tourists do. So, when people work, earn and spend money, they are with every dollar they spend, providing income for lots of other people, However, when consumption, dries up, like now, the economy dries up, like now. Bottom line: every worker, whatever he does, contributes to that 70% of the economy, that consumers are credited with generating.

Thats why the government is now pumping money into the economy in various ways to maintain consumption — which dictates demand, which also affects other people’s jobs.

It also helps many, who need help.

R. AMOS, Severn, Md.

We Need a Trump Vaccine

Hey, America, I have an alternative solution for the Trump administration. In lieu of “Operation Warp Speed,” how about initiating “Operation Warped Stooge” to develop a vaccine to eliminate Trump by the end of the year. As sick as that sounds, it’s no sicker than Trump himself. He’s a lying, self-centered, selfish egotistical and disgusting prick, who has done nothing but screw people over his whole life, solely for his own personal gain. Wow, how successful are you if you declare bankruptcy on a regular basis every time you can’t handle your own business stupidity and incompetence?

MIKE EKLUND, Mercer, Wis.


What would I do without your paper? It gives me at least some comfort to know there are plenty of other Americans who are repelled by the “Orange Emperor” (as I’ve read him referred to) working diligently to trash our planet and any of us humans that fail to worship him.

If there were any justice afoot, the Pandemic would kindly pick off Trump, his henchmen and his Republican sycophants! (And I could sleep a lot better at night.)

Thanks for your help.

JUDITH M. REDDING, Bellevue, Wash.

Editor Replies: One of the missions of The Progressive Populist is to provide a lifeline to to liberals who might feel stranded in a sea of mossbacks and right-wingers, and have some fun deflating pompous plutocrats, including the Great Misleader, along the way. You’re welcome.

From The Progressive Populist, June 15, 2020


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