Supreme Skullduggery


I wonder if the Sinister Six of the U.S. Supreme Court passed kindergarten. Robert Fulghum wrote a best-selling book entitled “All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten.” Two advisories Fulghum cited are Clean Up Your Own Mess and Don’t Take Things That Aren’t Yours.

In its appalling July 1 ruling, the Supremes have legalized practically any terrible thing a president might do, if it falls under the category of official act, whatever that is deemed to be. At least there was dissent by the Three Wise Women on the bench. But this enshrined immunity is 100% designed to serve the needs of Donald Trump.

You remember Donald Trump, the spoiled brat who never once cleaned up his own mess, and the oaf of office who sent a mob to take by force a thing that wasn’t his – a second term as president. Other things Trump took that aren’t his include top secret government documents, which are strictly owned and controlled by U.S. intelligence agencies.

Ain’t no never mind, say the Sinister Six. You just go right ahead, King Donald, because you can do no wrong. Insurrection, espionage, election interference – no problem, your Highness, because the law is no longer the law. The law is whatever you say, Sire.

There have been horrendous decisions by the Supreme Court in the past. If you go back in history to, say, June 28, you have the same Sinister Six curtailing the power of the federal government to regulate the environment and public health. These Supreme S#*theads made it easier for courts to block regulations aimed at addressing air pollution, combating the climate crisis, and protecting endangered species. Then if you go back to a couple years ago, they decided that a woman’s right to choose, an established law for the last 50 years, has to go because it displeases the people whose religious beliefs make abortion a sin.

But apparently taking us back 50 years wasn’t far enough for them. This new immunity for presidents takes us back 250 years to before the American Revolution. Yeah, that rebellion by the colonies because we didn’t want a monarchy, we wanted a democracy. Now the Supreme Stupids have joined the theocrats, saying no need for democracy when we can have dictatorship, because getting our way is all that matters.

Still, this current crop of Supreme Scoundrels isn’t necessarily the worst ever. In 1859, the Court unanimously upheld the Fugitive Slave Act, a law that was one of the most horrible in human history. That law could send to prison anyone who gave aid to escaped slaves anywhere in the nation. It was repealed in 1864, one year after President Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation.

But, of course, Joe Biden was a lot younger then. So does ol’ Joe now have the power to send Seal Team Six to assassinate the Orange Jesus? Wouldn’t Biden then enjoy immunity for murder because it would be an official act as president to protect America from a domestic enemy, as stated in the oath he took at inauguration?

So isn’t all this a lovely can of worms the Scurrilous Six have opened for us? Their rulings have ruined reproductive rights, prevented us from protecting the planet and destroyed our democracy.

Will we do anything to overcome their overreach? We’ll know after the vote in November.

Meanwhile, some young folks might notice things are getting bad if they cancel TikTok.

Frank Lingo, based in Lawrence, Kansas, is a former columnist for the Kansas City Star and author of the novel “Earth Vote.” Email: See his website:

From The Progressive Populist, August 1, 2024

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