Letters to the Editor

Prophecy Fulfilled

And the people bowed and prayed
To the neon god they made.
“Sounds Of Silence” by Simon & Garfunkel (1964)

There are MAGA Christian Nationalists (CNs) in our midst who consider convicted felon Donald Trump to be their savior sent by God to eradicate the evil amongst us in preparation for The Rapture and The Second Coming. They are partially right. It is accurate that Holy Scripture does foretell The Second Coming of Trump, just not in the form that CNs desire. A few Biblical examples follow.

• “No one who speaks falsely will stand in My presence.”—Psalm 107
• “The sexually immoral … and all liars … will be consigned to the Fiery Lake (Mar-A-Lago?)” — Revelations 21:8
• “By smooth talk, (false prophets) deceive the minds of naive people.” — Romans 16:17-18
• “Lying lips are an abomination to The Lord.” — Proverbs 10:22
• “In their greed, (false prophets) will exploit you with stories they have made up.” — 2 Peter 2:1-3

All of this is available in the Trump Bible for the bargain price of $59.99. Hurry while supplies last.

It doesn’t get any better for St. Donald in the secular world. Webster’s Dictionary defines the noun “trumpery” as worthless nonsense. The verb and adjective “trump” means a fraudulent charge against someone.

Lexicographer Noah Webster, like his Biblical counterparts, would have viewed The Second Coming of St. Donald with great trepidation.

Sixteenth Century French astrologer Nostradamus (a.k.a. “The Prophet of Doom”) also held a negative futuristic vision of The Trumpster.

• Century III, Quatrain 81 — “The great shameless, audacious brawler … will be elected governor … with the city faint from fever.” Think COVID19 anti-masking propaganda and his bleach remedy.

• Century I, Quatrain 40 — “The false trumpet (???!!!) concealing madness will cause (the country) to change its laws.”

In modern times, the music world is in tune to this possible Resurrection. Witness the 2018 “Despite Repeated Warnings” by Beatle Sir Paul McCartney.

Those who shout the loudest may not always be the smartest

But they have their proudest moments right before the fall.

How can we stop him? Grab the keys and lock him up.

If we do it we can save the day.

If 2024 is to be The Second Coming Of Trump, it will not be the Biblical Second Coming CNs await, but more like the arrival of the AntiChrist foretold in Scripture … and Nostradamus.

Amen, and rock on.

ED ENGLER, Sebring, Fla.

Trump Loves the Bible So Much …

So, Trump is a Christian. He loves the Bible so much, he’s produced his own special souvenir edition.

His Christian followers should be asking:

Does Trump love his neighbors as he loves himself?

Does he do unto others as he would have them do unto him?

Does he attend church services? Sing hymns? Put money in the collection plate?

Is he a Christian? Or just a Bible salesman?

BETTY CROWDER, Honeydew, Calif.

Politics Based on Imaginary History

Some people support Trump because they remember prices for gas and food were lower four years ago. They were. But so were wages. Then covid happened; the economy collapsed. Trump disparaged medical science and encouraged followers to go maskless, causing 300,000 avoidable deaths out of the one million Americans who died.

Under trump, government aid checks were sent to keep people in their homes, and food on their tables. When Biden became President, Congressional Republicans voted against extending the covid aid, but Democrats prevailed. Biden’s aid saved millions from hunger and homelessness, but also caused inflation. Now, 3 ½ years later, inflation is coming down, prices are returning to normal, 15 million new jobs created and wages rising faster than prices.

Yearning for imaginary better times, when science was dismissed and relatives died because a power-craven, boastful narcissist couldn’t admit he was wrong, isn’t the path to a better future.

BRUCE JOFFE, Piedmont, Calif.

Pro-Life Windfall is Due for Social Security Recipients

I have a question for the Republican “MAGA Christian” crowd about their zealous belief that Christian life begins on the day of conception, basically nine months before the actual birth occurs.

If that is true, doesn’t it logically stand to reason that the Social Security Administration now owes nine months of retroactive benefits for every year of eligibility, plus interest, to every eligible living “MAGA Christian” Social Security recipient, based upon the benefit amount they received when they initially filed and claimed their benefits?

In reality, this should be a real major positive campaign issue for Trump and Vance in order to illustrate, once again, their deeply seated, passionate, genuine and heartfelt concern for their “MAGA Christian warriors” who are always first in their thoughts, hearts and prayers, including those suffering from the debilitating heartbreak of bone spurs.

One last thought: Just think about what these “MAGA Christian” Social Security recipients could do with this new economic windfall to help crow our economy. They could now afford to buy Trump Bibles, Gold Sneakers, flags, hats, t-shirts, coins, trading cards etc., and maybe even some leftover steaks and vodka from past Trump failures, all to help American become great again — but only for Trump.

MIKE EKLUND, La Porte, Ind.

Hard Time to Find Heroes

How does a citizen of the United States of America remain optimistic and upbeat when our culture admires cheats and liars?

There is no better example of this social decay than the current state of affairs in the sports entertainment system, especially what used to be known as “amateur athletics.”

The usual suspect Number One is Jim Harbaugh, the disgraced former head coach of the University of Michigan football program, which cheated itself into a national championship. Not to be concerned with the support of the national sports media, Harbaugh used the cheating scandal to land an $8 million a year job as coach of the Los Angeles Chargers football team.

The usual suspect Number Two is Scottie Scheffler, who, after driving through a crime scene, was cheered by a MAGA crowd when he appeared for tee time at a professional golf tournament in Louisville, Ky.

The pursuit of money and fame is the root of almost all evil. The problem I have is the sports reporter, David Zirin. He is more concerned with French politics than the above described outrages. Zirin should be fired from TPP instanter!

But all is not lost. William Calley died April 28th in Gainesville, Fla.

To refresh everyone’s memory, Calley was convicted in a military tribunal of the responsibility for the My Lai, Vietnam massacre, where in excess of 500 civilians were murdered by members of his his platoon.

Most of the casualties were children, women and elderly men. Shortly after his conviction, Calley was pardoned by Richard Nixon — Tricky Dick. [Editor’s Note: Nixon did not pardon Calley, but ordered him released to house arrest after his March 29, 1971, conviction, pending appeal. His initial life sentence was reduced to 20 years and then further reduced to 10. Calley ultimately served three years of house arrest for the murders and released on parole in September 1975.]

Donald Trump will be one vote short in November.


Pray for Kamala, Thanks for Joe

We have to pray for Kamala Harris to save us and our country (a true “Joan of Arc”). She has picked a worthy vice president.

Trump voters are voting for an idiot. What does it say about them? He is planning a despotic, totalitarian regime, not our democracy.

If it wasn’t for Joe Biden, Trump would have taken over our government, but he was reduced to lying about losing and annoying the judiciary, filing more than 50 claims. They did not win the appeals, but who knows with his puppet Supreme Court?

Talk about older, Trump fits that category also. If his voters put him in the White House, they will pay the price.

RICHARD HYMAN, Stillwater, N.J.

‘War’ is Seldom Simple

Israel can’t even be true to its own “simple rule.” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu keeps telling the world what Israel’s “simple rule” is: “Whoever harms us, we will harm them,” but Israeli officials said the Sunday, Aug. 25, assault, which sent more than 100 “war” planes over southern Lebanon, was done because Hezbollah was about to fire thousands of missiles at northern Israel.

Thsi means Israel has to update its “simple rule.” It now should be “Whoever even talks about harming us, we will harm them.”

And this brings us to Washington’s simple rule: “Whoever we start a ‘war’ upon, we always make sure they cannot harm us.”

Iraqi “war” tally — 500,000 Iraqis died, only 4,700 Americans killed.

Afghan “war” tally — 175,000 Afghans dead, only 2,900 Americans killed.

Israel’s “simple rule” has no legitimacy; it has no moral foundation, because it leaves the door wide open for “… we will harm them” to be anything.

You attack us on Oct. 7, we will now harm you. You killed 1,200 Israelis, we will now kill 50,000 Palestinians, maybe 100,000. We’ll destroy every building in Gaza. We’ll harm you until we get tired or bored doing it.

There’s no “war” involved in any of this, if your simple rule is “Whoever harms us, we will harm them.” Your rule does not have relevance, thanks to “war,” it only has relevance thanks to superior weaponry.

If Palestinians sitting in their tents say “Whoever harms us, we will harm them,” it means nothing without the “war” weaponry, firepower to get the job done.

FRANK ERICKSON, Minneapolis, Minn.

From The Progressive Populist, October 1, 2024


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