In Debate Mismatch, Trump Couldn’t Elude ‘F’ Word


(With apologies to George Thorogood and the Destroyers)

On the day I was born/ the nurses all gathered ‘round
And they gazed in wide wonder/ at the joy they had found
The head nurse spoke up/ said, “Leave this one alone.”
She could tell right away/ I was a fraud to the bone.
Fraud to the bone. Fraud to the bone
Fraud to the bone.

Donald Trump is a fraud. From the “concepts” he has up in that golden noodle for replacing the Affordable Care Act, to the “Infrastructure Week” that never was under his visionary-ness.

He’s a fraud who runs from the chaos and suffering his Supreme Court bequeathed upon women in 27 states.

He’s a fraud who lies about his affairs, his finances, his self-dealing for cash while telling voters he’d be self-funded.

He’s the same fraud who decades ago phoned media outlets in New York using an alias to tip them on Donald Trump stories.

He’s the fraud who hired an expert in internet bots to drive up his score in two online magazine polls rating business leaders.

He’s a fraud from his gold-plated complexion to the “branding” that he touts as building. From his long tie to his long plane, he is 100 percent facade.


Two juries have found him guilty of defrauding New York. Three grand juries have indicted him for defrauding the United States with his Big Lie after, as Kamala Harris said, the voters of America said, “You’re fired.”


It was fitting when, in announcing her endorsement of Harris, Taylor Swift denounced a fake meme Trump shared on social media announcing that she supported him, along with one showing a boisterous “Swifties for Trump” throng, which Trump spokesman Steven Cheung said represented, “A massive movement that grows every day.”



To see fakery in action, all one had to observe was Mr. Indomitable being dominated in debate by his “dumb as a rock” foe.

My 30-something son compared the Harris-Trump debate to a tennis pro rocketing serves past a foe without arms.

His handlers said the problem was that he hadn’t prepared sufficiently for an aggressive and guileful foe. They are wrong. Trump could have prepared and prepared and still have had nothing. He stands for naught except his own quest for power. He knows little about what he speaks, getting most of his information with his TV wand. This is why he can’t offer a cogent position on reproductive rights or health care, or . . .

For Trump supporters: How many close Trump associates does it take to convince you this man shouldn’t be anywhere near presidential power?

“Unfit.” Military and intelligence officials despaired in trying to get him to read briefs and heed their advice – aka truth. As a leader, he earned failing grades from his top general, two former national security advisers, his former chief of staff, his first defense secretary, his transportation secretary. Then there was his first secretary of state, who famously called him a “f–cking moron.”

Heck, his vice president won’t be voting for him.

The only true expertise Trump has demonstrated has been how to delay criminal sanctions. Job 1 in his quest to regain office is to wipe clean all the criminal charges he has rung up. (Credit where due: He has a masterful command of bankruptcy courts.)

He managed to delay sentencing for 34 counts of business fraud until after the election – papering over hush money to a porn star he says he never bedded (yeah, sure).


Only a Trump cultist could have watched the debate and not pronounced Kamala Harris the only presidential figure on that stage. Speaking of pronunciation, Harris made sure he heard it with that handshake. She was Muhammad Ali needling Ernie Terrell amid an in-ring battering, “What’s my name?”

The divine irony is that this slow-footed invention of reality television — he who gets his news and cues from Fox Spews, was revealed for 67 million TV viewers to be nothing but a cardboard cut-out. But, hey, check out those ratings!

John Young is a longtime newspaperman who now lives in Fort Collins, Colo. Email See

From The Progressive Populist, October 15, 2024

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